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Changes Ahead Jan 18, 2024

Heads up people!


Structures in your life (and the world) that have outlived their usefulness are about to start crumbling. But it may not...

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Set a solid foundation Jan 03, 2024


Life is speeding up.


If you don’t feel it quite yet, that is awesome. Because then you have the mental space to solidify the...

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Action leads to clarity Dec 21, 2023

Even if you don’t have complete clarity right now, it really is all coming together. 


There is at least one person (and probably...

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Taking action for the future you Dec 06, 2023

Can you almost see the future you? The one that has integrated the growth you experienced over the summer and taken life to the next level? 

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Back on track Nov 15, 2023

You’re about to leave the drama behind you. 


No matter how the people around you are acting, you can be the adult in the room...

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Strong Feelings About Change Nov 01, 2023

Growth inevitably leads to change.

But sometimes, people don’t realize what will shift until the wheels are already in motion.

The next 2...

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Sparked by another’s feelings Oct 19, 2023


Working with someone else’s feelings may be a delicate dance right now.


If you need to have a serious relationship discussion...

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Prepping to level up(again) Oct 05, 2023


Look at how far you’ve come, what you’ve learned, and how people want to receive what lights you up!


And now it’s...

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Relationships! Sep 20, 2023

Where would you be without your relationships? Pretty lonely! And actually, pretty stagnant.

Relationships expand you. They help you do things...

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Take action to learn Sep 06, 2023

Sometimes, thinking can only get you so far on a project.  

Right now, if you take even a few actions on your project, you’ll get...

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Showcase your talents Aug 02, 2023

It might seem scary but you’ve been putting in the effort for nearly 2 months. And you have plenty to demonstrate.

Of course it...

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Turning the Corner Jul 19, 2023

Can you remember back to January when you set your New Years’ resolutions? You
recognized that some structures in your life were no longer...

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