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The details are in the connections

Oct 04, 2022

The Mercury retrograde is over! Now is the time to have those relationship conversations and address any unresolved issues. Find a time between now and Oct. 16. And you don't have to have every detail worked out - give yourselves until the end of the month.

Don't limit yourself to conversations with people you already know. New connections may provide the important details you are looking for. From Oct 17-19 especially, be open to every introduction.

At my last Coffee & Charts call, I offered these additional tips for moving with the global flow:

  • Remember that the Mercury retrograde portal is opposite the Jupiter growth portal in Aries. Talk to anyone who somehow comes into your awareness - you never know what might come of it for both of you.

  • If you're feeling like you're "so ready to get this show on the road", it is because Pluto starts moving forward on Oct. 8. Review how you put all of your tools and wisdom together to make things happen from Jan-Apr. You'll be doing it again, but deeper, from Oct-Jan. This time you're wiser and more experienced. Give yourself 2 weeks to get going.

Finally, I have dates for my Mars Retrograde Portal workshops. The Mars retrograde begins October 30. Just reply to this email to be on the waitlist and get more info:

  • Oct 23 (Sun) at 12pm

  • Oct 26 (Wed) at 2pm

  • Oct 29 (Sat) at 2pm - ZOOM

  • Nov 4 (Fri) at 2pm

May these tidbits be helpful for you on your journey!