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Consistency is key

Jun 22, 2023

Getting started on ANY new growth plan can feel exciting, scary and like a slog.

But when you have the WHY behind the growth, that meaning provides motivation to work hard and keep showing up. What clarity do you have right now about your WHY?

You have about a year until that “WHY” starts to manifest. So what do you need to work on starting NOW to be ready. Then pick the place or activity you are going to show up for consistently throughout the summer.

Yes, it feels like you are a long ways from where you want to be but look for the signs that give you hope and encouragement.

On the call I also pointed out that on June 30, Mercury crosses over the Sun at 9° Cancer. When these 2 planets are in the same place in the sky, it means our minds and activities are moving in synch. Allow space for some magic to bubble up instinctively.

Watch a short animation of how the planets move over the next 2 weeks and receive contemplation questions to recognize how the movements impact your life.

00:00 Coffee & Charts - 21 Jun 2023
01:16 Review of current energy
05:48 Planet movements with explanation
14:19 Planet movements, no explanation
15:04 Contemplation questions
18:15 2 week summary
21:27 Tips for thriving
24:42 Call summary

If what you heard resonates with what is happening in your life, learn how you can actively work and plan with these energies over this year to live into your goals and dreams, no matter where you are at right now. The Universe is your life coach!

Reach out to me at [email protected] to learn about my offerings like the 2023 Playbook which weaves together the various “plays” so you can be on your path and live your purpose!