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Back on track

Nov 15, 2023

You’re about to leave the drama behind you. 


No matter how the people around you are acting, you can be the adult in the room because you have work to do.


The turning point is Friday, Nov 17 when the Sun (mindful action) and Mars (taking a stand) meet up at 25° Scorpio. So, be careful about someone “poking the bear” on purpose when they are frustrated by the people around them. But, that won’t be you!


From Nov 22-25, notice who is connecting with you and possibly noticing the important thing you’re trying to share with everyone. From these interactions, you may find your path to learning something you need to fill a gap in your life.


As the Mercury portal opens on November 25, you’ll be thinking about the bigger picture and possibly learning something new or sharing your wisdom. You have 2 months to distill that information into your framework or structure.


00:00 Coffee & Charts - 15 Nov 2023

00:47 Review of current energy

01:41  Planet movements with explanation

11:56 Planet movements, no explanation

12:37 2 week summary

16:07 Tips for thriving

19:43 Call summary